Supporting people with 22q11.2 Deletion or 22q11.2 Duplication Syndrome.
Awareness, Education, Community & Support
Celebrating 30 years
School Support
Individual Educational Plan (IEP)
An IEP is an educational plan specific to your child. Parents, teachers and other support people work together to put a plan in place for your childs' goals and how these will be achieved. It is a written document so that both parents and the school know what is expected of everyone, it is easily referred to can be amended as required.
If you would like to do this, talk to your school.
For for in-depth information, here are two useful links
Extra Support in the Classroom
Extra support comes from teacher aides or equipment.
The place to go to for information is your childs school, their teacher, principal or the schools SENCO (special education needs coordinator) if they have one. You can also contact the Ministry directly.
A useful site to look at is from the Ministry of Education, where do I begin?
To assist your childs learning it can be useful for them to have a teacher aide.
There are several ways this can be funded:
1. ORS Funding
this is for children with high needs click here for more information
2. School High Health Needs Fund (SHHNF) and regional health schools Funding
SHHNF provides teacher's aide support for 6 weeks or more if your child has a serious medical condition and needs help to attend school or kura safely. The Ministry's learning support team will work with you to plan the support your child needs.
Regional health schools provide teachers to teach your child at home or in hospital if they are too sick to go to school. Your child will stay on the roll of their usual school while they're receiving this support. Health school teachers might visit every day or once or twice a week depending on your child's age and education needs. click here for more information
Ask your school to see if they receive this govt grant.click here for more information
​4. Through the school
Your school may provide teacher aides
5. Privately
Pay and organise a teacher aide yourself or the school may have teachers aides you can pay for.
Exam Support
Our kids may qualify for special assessment conditions for NCEA exams which comes in the form of (taken from Altogether Autism NZ website):
Additional time to complete work.
Reader or writer or both.
Rest breaks.
Separate accommodation.
Use of technology to complete and present work (e.g., computer).
The place to talk to is your school.
Good websites to help are: